In Memoriam

Rebecca Lynn Rogers
03/19/1975 – 12/02/2018
Here we celebrate the life and untimely passing of our friend and colleague, Beckee Rogers. Beckee joined the group in 2003 and contributed to our anhydride desymmetrization project. She published a wonderful paper on directed alkylation by resident olefins.
If you wish to post a tribute to Beckee or donate to one of her favorite causes, see her memorial page.
More importantly, she was a dear friend, kind, warm, and funny. Following are some pictures of her life in chemistry. We love you and miss you, Beckee. Rest in peace.
One more thing: Beckee left behind two Golden Retrievers. The family that took in Liam and Mason are having difficulties because of their housing situation. They’ve asked if we could share this link with some people from grad school.
We all know how much her dogs meant to her. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel appropriate.

Summer Party, 2003

With Qin, SF ACS 2006

Beckee at 100th Paper Party, 2012

Summer Party, 2003